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Safe, secure online donations

The easiest and quickest way to donate to The Radiant Peace Foundation International is to give using Paypal. All transactions are totally secure within the Paypal system and your credit card is never given out. Choose the "Donate" button to the right to begin. Donations are identified using our email address, and the button automatically begins the procedure. If you don't yet have a Paypal account, registering is simple.

Adobe Reader

Opens PDF Files

All of the printable files on this Web site are in PDF format, which gives you a printable page exactly as it is supposed to look. The files can be displayed on your computer if you have Adobe Reader. Free Adobe Reader downloads in your language are available from the Adobe Reader Download Center.

Adobe Flash Player

Plays Flash (moving) Content

A few of the photo galleries on this Web site use the Flash player. Free downloads appropriate to your browser are available from the Adobe Flash Download Center.